Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Final Blog Post

Quarter Four Project

      For our final project we had to create a project a product and sell it. Our product was called the Lingua and it was a microphone that could  translate languages in real(ish) time. We had the entire quarter to work on it. Our group wasn't the best at staying on task and thoroughly making sure everything was done.We were put into groups based on our animal personality traits and our Myers-Briggs type.  We all didn't agree very well and we got off topic easily.  By the end of our project we had almost gotten everything done, except for the website.  None of us were very confident in our website building abilities, so we put it off for as long as we could. When we would go to work on it individually, we wouldn't really know what to do. Needless to say, the website was the hardest part of our project. I learned al to about working in a  group with people who are hard to get along with and people who aren't always on task. I learned a lot about trying to keep people on topic, working, and how to scream on the inside.


     When we were presenting for the first time, we were told to memorize, finish our website and not bash other companies in our presentation. Throughout the quarter, we had am mini rivalry with another group called the "Speaker". We would both continuously hate on each other in a fun way. by the time presentations came, we both had each other in them in some way or another. In our presentation, I gave myself the honor of bashing on their product. I was going to take it out, but they put my name in their video. When we had to show our video and website, neither were finished. Well, we had a video, but it was a seven second clip of Evan fake falling over the railing. No product, no addressing what we were selling, no nothing. We pulled up a save second clip and showed it to the class. At least by the time we had to actually present, we had a real video and a mostly finished website. 


     I enjoyed working on the project, but I didn't like our actual product. After we had chosen our product, we found out that i was already a thing. And at that, the real product was better. It's not fun working on a project that you aren't proud of. But, we did it and and we finished it. 

Time Management 

     For the first quarter, we weren't the best with time management. As a group, we weren't always on task. It took us a long time to finally get our 3d animation done and we had one person doing the 2d animation and we didn't see it until we were finished with the rotation. I feel like our 2d animation could have definitely been stronger. Our 3d animation he'd too much going on in the background for us to see the actual product.  I tried my best to keep everyone on task, but we argued and got off task and it was hard. We got through planning our video fast, so in the men time we planned our shots out quickly and had time to write up a second commercial. I liked the idea for the second commercial better, but the first one was easier to do. The shots we got for the commercial weren't very good and it made it really hard to edit. I stayed after school times and i came in in the morning for a week straight. I have the programs at home so I can take the projects home. I should learn how to bring home all of the stuff instead of just the file like I did. 

Strengths and Improvements

     I would say my strengths are in editing and keeping people from fighting. That actually came in handy a lot because we fought often. I was able to straighten people out and make sure we weren't yelling. 
     I could work on not getting off task when other people are and working through other people's distractions.

     My favorite part of this semester was basically the idea of this project. We all got experience making a product and having to have pride in it and selling it. The hard part was not actually having the pride required to sell your product or be proud of it. If I could go back and change things, I would change our product in a heartbeat. W had had ideas for other things after that that I like a lot more than what we ended up doing, like tattoos that last for a year or change color. After this semester I learned that it's important to be proud of everything you create and do. I would have enjoyed the whole process just a bit more if I had like our product. One goal I would like to set for next year is simple: be proud of everything I create. I honestly cannot believe that the year is already over and I we are going to be sophomores soon. I am very excited for e-Comm next year. 
