Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Social Media Article

Since second quarter has now started, we switched e9 strands. Now we are in video.  Yesterday we read an article about social media and how it can affect your chances of getting a job or getting into college. It talked about how if you put out a bad image of yourself online, then it will probably come back to bite you. It said that you should always be careful about what you put out because you don't want to offend anyone, make them mad, or hurt their feelings. It also talked about how once you put something out there, it doesn't matter if you take it down. It will always be out there.

Overall, it was a very good article to read, and had very useful information in it. Always be careful about what you say online and what sort of image of yourself you are putting out. You never know who might see it, wether its a friend or a college scout.

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