Thursday, October 27, 2016

Six Shot System

Today was our first day really getting to learn about video. We were taught about the six shot system and got to use the iPads to take the pictures. The six shots were, over the shoulder, extreme closeup, extreme wide, medium, wide, and a shot of the hands. We paired up to take the pictures and I took them of my sister.              
Wide- This shot shows the whole body of the character being focused on.
Hand Shot-This shot shows us what they are currently doing with their hands.
Over The Shoulder- This shot shows us what they are doing, but from over their shoulder.
Medium-This shot shows the character from the waist up.
Extreme Closeup- This shot is a closeup of the character's face.
Extreme Wide- This shot shows us the setting of the pictures, but the character is still seen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Social Media Article

Since second quarter has now started, we switched e9 strands. Now we are in video.  Yesterday we read an article about social media and how it can affect your chances of getting a job or getting into college. It talked about how if you put out a bad image of yourself online, then it will probably come back to bite you. It said that you should always be careful about what you put out because you don't want to offend anyone, make them mad, or hurt their feelings. It also talked about how once you put something out there, it doesn't matter if you take it down. It will always be out there.

Overall, it was a very good article to read, and had very useful information in it. Always be careful about what you say online and what sort of image of yourself you are putting out. You never know who might see it, wether its a friend or a college scout.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Elevator Pitch

My name is Hannah Iverson and I am an e-Communication student at Olathe Northwest. I play the cello and the ukulele.  I am proficient in writing and memorization. I have been told many times that I am good at paying attention to detail. I am a strong leader and am good at making sure everyone is getting involved at the task at hand. I also have a knack for planning ahead. I'm working towards being an editor and I'm taking all the classes i can to get myself on that track.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

3d Animated House

For our last project in the animation rotation, we made a house in Sketch-up.  We learned how to use it and make a house using the little tips and tricks. I learned that Sketch-up is very hard to use if you have no prior experience with it. Luckily, we had videos that walked us through the important parts. We got to choose our own houses, and I chose a tiny house. After finishing the house, we added in details. I added in a  canoe, a bench, and paint to the house. Getting all the details in took some time and we finished out by animating it in scenes.