Monday, March 5, 2018

Snowflake Animation

This project was definitely on the longer side. We went in making the snowflakes and that took a really long time because you had to make them look like plausible snowflakes. Once you had all of your snowflakes done, you had to make them 3d and smooth them. This was one of my least favorite steps.  Making them smooth was a whole process on its own. They look wildly different smoothed versus un-smoothed and it really makes away from them toking like real snowflakes. There were also a lot of problems for me with the polygons and that made it difficult to even get to the smoothing stage. Once that was done and you would make your window. something weird happened to my window but since you really can't see it, I'm not going to go into it. The animating of the snowflakes went mildly well. After finishing all o the snowflakes, I had to go back and make sure you couldn't see them through the window t the end. Then, I realized that they spun way too much as they fell and that they weren't spread out enough. Fixing that would have required taking out every single key frame and restarting the animation portion. I am mostly happy with the way this turned out, especially through the window.